4.4. Decoupled Authentication¶
There are four different authentication flows in the 3-D Secure protocol. The decoupled authentication flow is one of them. The decoupled authentication flow is an asynchronous process.
The ACS can determine decoupled authentication fallback for an authentication transaction. If a fallback is determined, threeDSRequestorPriorAuthenticationInfo is required.
The requestor can set the TTL for the transaction by setting the threeDSRequestorDecMaxTime. The threeDSRequestorDecMaxTime accepts numeric values between 00001 and 10080 (7 days) which determines the TTL in minutes.
The requestor shall use the threeDSServerTransID to retrieve the authentication value by making a request towards the /postauth endpoint. Once we receive the authentication value from the ACS, we will only store it for 20 minutes. We therefore suggest that the requestor should poll the /postauth endpoint at least every 20 minutes. The authentication value is deleted when the TTL has passed.
If the 3-D Secure Server has not received the RReq message the following response will be returned:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | {
"errorCode": "305",
"errorComponent": "S",
"errorDescription": "No RReq has been received",
"errorDetail": "No response from directory server yet",
"messageType": "Erro",
"messageVersion": "2.2.0",
"threeDSServerTransID": "8700f0ef-0e96-471c-b107-1d2534f3f5a5"
Decoupled authentication flow example¶
The following examples show AReq and ARes messages for a decoupled authentication flow.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | {
"acctNumber": "3000100811112083",
"cardExpiryDate": "2410",
"acquirerBIN": "868491",
"acquirerMerchantID": "mGm6AJZ1YotkJJmOk0fx",
"mcc": "5411",
"merchantCountryCode": "840",
"merchantName": "Dummy Merchant",
"threeDSRequestorDecReqInd": "Y",
"threeDSRequestorDecMaxTime": "00001",
"messageType": "AReq",
"messageVersion": "2.2.0",
"messageCategory": "01",
"deviceChannel": "02",
"transType": "01",
"threeDSRequestorAuthenticationInd": "01",
"threeDSRequestorID": "az0123456789",
"threeDSRequestorName": "Example Requestor name",
"threeDSRequestorURL": "https://threedsrequestor.adomainname.net",
"purchaseAmount": "101",
"purchaseCurrency": "840",
"purchaseExponent": "2",
"cardholderName": "Cardholder Name",
"email": "example@example.com",
"mobilePhone": {
"cc": "123",
"subscriber": "123456789"
"billAddrCity": "Bill City Name",
"billAddrCountry": "840",
"billAddrLine1": "Bill Address Line 1",
"billAddrPostCode": "Bill Post Code",
"billAddrState": "CO",
"shipAddrCity": "Ship City Name",
"shipAddrCountry": "840",
"shipAddrLine1": "Ship Address Line 1",
"shipAddrPostCode": "Ship Post Code",
"shipAddrState": "CO"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | {
"acsChallengeMandated": "Y",
"acsDecConInd": "Y",
"acsOperatorID": "3dsecureio-standin-acs",
"acsReferenceNumber": "3dsecureio-standin-acs",
"acsTransID": "fb95703f-92e7-4278-a20c-62b9a9200e84",
"authenticationType": "04",
"cardholderInfo": "01",
"dsReferenceNumber": "3dsecureio-standin-ds",
"dsTransID": "87cbe14f-5960-4a01-a0bb-ae2c9871804a",
"messageType": "ARes",
"messageVersion": "2.2.0",
"threeDSServerTransID": "5a8007b9-6d26-49cf-a371-3f722bba4ffc",
"transStatus": "D"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | {
"acsTransID": "fb95703f-92e7-4278-a20c-62b9a9200e84",
"authenticationType": "04",
"authenticationValue": "s3xYIbbZVSakGpUEaAtOfIt2Ohs=",
"dsTransID": "87cbe14f-5960-4a01-a0bb-ae2c9871804a",
"eci": "05",
"interactionCounter": "00",
"messageCategory": "01",
"messageType": "RReq",
"messageVersion": "2.2.0",
"threeDSServerTransID": "5a8007b9-6d26-49cf-a371-3f722bba4ffc",
"transStatus": "Y"